is a collaborative project dedicated to defining the intellectual concepts of pottery following the tenets of linked open data and the
formulation of an ontology for representing and sharing ceramic data across disparate data systems. While the project is focused primarily on the
definition of concepts within Greek black- and red-figure pottery, is extensible toward the definition of concepts in other fields of
pottery studies.
See the github account at, which contains repositories for the RDF data and
the publication framework. This framework could be applied to other linked data thesauri.
Scientific Committee
The scientific committee includes both pottery and cultural heritage informatics experts.
- Vladimir Alexiev, Ontotext
- Renee Gondek, University of Mary Washington
- Ethan Gruber, American Numismatic Society
- Thomas Mannack, Oxford University
- Tyler Jo Smith, University of Virginia
- Anne-Violaine Szabados, Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC-France)
The list of contributors (curators, authors, and translators) to Kerameikos is available at Through integration with ORCID, we are able to mint DOIs that reflect the
intellectual contribution of each editor.
Papers and Presentations
- 2021: Bradford, Abigail, Renee Gondek, Tyler Jo Smith, and Ethan Gruber. "Linked Open Data Vocabularies and Recognizing Intellectual Contributions via ORCID",
Computer Applications in Archaeology, Cyprus (virtual).
- 2021: Gruber, Ethan, Renee Gondek, and Tyler Jo Smith. "Linked Art for Archaeological Data Exchange", Computer Applications
in Archaeology, Cyprus (virtual).
- 2020: Gondek, Renee, Ethan Gruber, Tyler Jo Smith. " 2020 Current Work and Future
Plans" (poster), Linked Pasts 6 (virtual conference).
- 2020: Gondek, Renee, Ethan Gruber, Tyler Jo Smith. " Pottery and Linked Open Data" (lightning talk), presented in a
workshop, "The Digital Futures of Ancient Objects: Discussing Next Steps for Collaborative Digital Humanities Projects" organized by Rebecca
Levitan, AIA-SCS 2020, Washington, DC.
- 2019: Gondek, Renee, Ethan Gruber, Tyler Jo Smith. " A Linked Open Greek Pottery Project", FIEC / CA 2019, London,
- 2019: Gondek, Renee, Ethan Gruber, Tyler Jo Smith. " Linked Open Data for Greek Pottery" (poster), Computer Applications
in Archaeology, Krakow, Poland. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3243539
- 2019: Gondek, Renee, Ethan Gruber, and Tyler Jo Smith (in absentia). " A Network Science Approach to the Study of Greek
Pottery", UVA Archaeology Brown Bag, 22 March 2019.
- 2019: Gondek, Renee and Ethan Gruber. "Linked Open Greek Pottery:", NEH Project Directors' meeting, 18 March 2019: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2597608.
- 2016: Gruber, Ethan and Tyler Jo Smith. " The Semantic Web Meets Greek Pottery", DH@UVa, Scholar’s Lab UVa, 14 October 2016
- 2015: Gondek, Renee and Ethan Gruber. Roundtable on databases and pottery. Computer Applications in Archaeology, Siena, Italy.
- 2014: Gruber, Ethan and Tyler Jo Smith. "Linked Open Greek Pottery",
Computer Applications in Archaeology, Paris, France.
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